Welcome to What is Sexy?

This is a blog for those of us who enjoy the finer things in life. And in recognition of that, what could be finer then to admire the beauty of some of the most smoking hot (I mean beautiful...we're all sophisticated right?) women from around the world.

Send me your hottest pics to WhatsSexy2U@gmail.com for me to post for all to enjoy.

Make sure you are legally allowed to send your pictures and that you have permission from the person/people who are in the photo. By sending said picture you acknowledge that you have permission to send image and all parties portrayed in image are aware of its content on this site.

January 11, 2012

Talkin' About Girls - FORUM

A new feature has been added to the What is Sexy? site that I hope you will enjoy. A forum on the "Talkin' About Girls" page has been added and is now complete. Here you can add any topic you want, talk with other girl next door enthusiasts, or introduce us to your favorite model.

To get started simply click the "Talkin' About Girls" link at the top of the page. This page contains the forum in which you can read any topic, or add your own.

There is no need to sign up, or register. If you would like to add a topic click the "New Topic" link.

Once the New Topic page loads fill in the required info, including your desired screen name, subject and message content.  Once complete enter the security code at the bottom to ensure you are a breathing human and not a spam bot, and post your message.

Once your message posts you can return to the main forum page by clicking the "What is Sexy" link at the top or bottom of the topic page.  This will also apply to any topic you read.

If you decide you would like to register using the link at the top right you will have the ability to add images to your post when you sign in.  So do us all a favor and register so you can introduce us to your favorite girls!

I hope you enjoy this new feature.  As always if you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at WhatsSexy2U@gmail.com.